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Saturday, September 22, 2018

What Is Your Job Fit Thesis?

Every job candidate needs to be able to explain exactly why they're the right fit for the position

The job fit thesis is similar to an elevator pitch in that it summarizes the key selling points of the candidate. In an essay a well-written thesis statement describes in clear terms what the rest of the paragraphs seeks to prove. 

A job seeker applying for a position will likewise include a thesis of comparable clarity and will employ a strategy of proving that thesis through interaction with the hiring manager. Hiring managers ask themselves three questions when making staffing decisions. 

Explore them here.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Technological Advice for Older Job Seekers

Six actions will increase your job search success.

One of the more common justifications for age discrimination in hiring is the assumption that older workers are unskilled at using common technology. Experienced job seekers must pay careful attention to their technological footprint and personal brand. With attention to how they appear electronically and virtually, older job seekers will reduce the unfair assumptions that hiring managers might otherwise make about their suitability.

See six specific tips in the complete article here.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Things to Do When lost in the Job Hunt Wilderness

Have you been searching for a job for an eternity with no success? You might wonder why you are lost in a desert without a compass.

You likely have a resume and a LinkedIn profile. You're probably familiar with sites like Indeed that publish vast quantities of job openings and you've been hitting the "Apply Now" button. Rather than receiving emails from employers, you just get the latest round of bills.

For some tips to consider when your job search seems as dry as the desert in the summer, see the article here.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Professionals Should Think Before They Tweet

Job seekers and those already employed should exercise smart judgment when choosing what to publish on social media. The vast majority of the U.S. population now has a social media account, but not everyone has gotten smarter about how they employ it.

It's important to think twice about the way you use social media in light of your career goals. If you don't, you could inadvertently knock yourself out of contention for a position or find your current one in jeopardy.

For specifics on 'Public' exposure see the article here.