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Saturday, January 20, 2018

The One Trait Hiring Mangers Seek Most

Think it's a technical skill? Think again.  If you're looking for a job and wondering how to stand out in a sea of applicants, being boring is unproductive. In a recent survey, 76% of hiring managers believe that being interesting is an important component of hiring decisions, with 22% believing that being interesting is very important.

The survey also found that being well-read and well-informed were among the top traits of interesting people, ranking higher than being well-educated, curious, or innovative. If you’re looking for a new job, or if you’re interested in expanding your career, this data suggests that reading more is the perfect place to start.

There are four ways to leverage your unique traits and experiences during the job search process.

Want more insight about being more interesting in your upcoming job interviews, click here.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Gracefully Quit Your Job

Follow these eight steps to gracefully exit your job without burning bridges.
  • Assess your reasons
  • Decide when to quit
  • Give enough advance notice
  • Tell your boss
  • Anticipate a counteroffer
  • Provide constructive feedback
  • Tie up loose ends
  • Finish strong
For more insight of the best ways to quit your job, click here.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Want to Be Happier at Work?

Whatever your current situation, you too can be happier at work simply by mastering your mindset. 
Work "happiness" is a difficult thing to obtain. Everyone wants it, yet so few people seem to get it.
The truth is pretty simple: The people who are happiest at work work at it. They just understand some basic truths about the nature of work, and they've leveraged that wisdom for their own benefit.

Whatever your current situation, you too can be happier at work simply by mastering your mindset. Here are some key concepts to consider.
  • No Job Is Perfect
  • Everything Is Temporary
  • Work Is a Choice
  • Fake It to Make It
  • You Career Is a Lifelong Endeavor
Your happiness shouldn't rely on anyone – or anything – outside of yourself.

For more info, click here.

Showcase your unpaid work

You've probably done unpaid work at some point in your life. Featuring your volunteer work can show a potential employer you're dedicated to helping others.If you've graduated within the last five to 10 years, you should definitely include your volunteer work in the local community and internships on your resume. These should go in the body of your resume if you have a significant amount of unpaid experience or it's at well-known organizations. Include a few bullets to describe what you did in each case and the purpose of your work.

Consider the following areas of unpaid work.

  • Serving on a committee
  • Leadership role in a student organization
  • Mentorship of students
  • Fraternity/sorority
  • Internships
  • Volunteering in the local community
  • Outside of Work
  • Taking Time Off
  • Changing Careers to the nonprofit sector

For more info, click here.