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Friday, October 29, 2021

Get Noticed While Working Remotely

Stay visible and grow in your career. Showing your worth can benefit during good times, for advancement, and bad times, like downsizings. You need to continuously demonstrate value to your team and organization.

It’s harder for remote workers to stand out. You have less face-to-face time with your team and leadership. As a remote worker, you need to know when it’s the right time to advance.

See 5 steps to stand out as a remote worker here.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Active Job Search Program

Interested in an active job search group that provides support while you look for a new job?  As part of an active job search group, you will receive job-search skills training from experts, support from other people engaged in a job search, daily check-ins, and job lead sharing.  It is close to FaceBook for job searching sponsored by

Outside of meetings, you will follow up on job leads and reach out to networking contacts. Join in The daily check-ins provide guidance and support from peers, much of the work needed for a job search occurs between meetings. 

See the live link to the interactive site here.