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Sunday, May 26, 2013

How to Successfully Change Careers

People find themselves on that precipitous cliff looking back on their career just as the dirt begins to crumble beneath them.

Are you facing that career change plunge? Do you wish you were? Take it slowly and make sure what you really want to do is change careers. Then use this 10-step plan, and you will be on much more sure footing -- and on a path toward career change success. Finally, remember that career change is a natural life progression; most studies show that the average job-seeker will change careers (not just jobs) several times over the course of a career lifetime.

For the enlightening 10 step plan, see the full article here.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Schedule Free On-Line Consultation

Interactive on-line job seeking consultation available Thursdays at 8 PM MT.
  • Job seekers - assistance in preparing / securing a job.
  • Employment specialists - assistance on how to best assist their members.
  • Unit leadership - understand the challenges of providing meaningful assistance.
E-mail Jim Olsten at: prior to the meeting or to arrange for an alternate day/time for a on-line consultation.

Log-in to : free videoconferencing software downloads and connects to the meeting using the meeting access code:  560-775-914

For audio a headset is recommended or use your microphone and speakers  -. Or, call in  (312) 878-3081

You can use a PC or Mac computer, or tablet

Attendee Quick-Start Instructions: click 

Technical support: (800)-263-6317.  Give the Meeting ID 560-775-914 for technical support 24/7.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

When you're changing careers....!

When you're changing careers, getting your foot in the door can often be the most difficult part. Even though you may have tons of experience in your industry, which could carry over to the new career, odds are good that you don't meet every requirement on the employer's list.

So, how can you get a job when you're underqualified?  Click here for more info.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Reality of long-term unemployment

Picture the scariest thing you can think of. It’s guaranteed it's not nearly as scary as the real scariest thing in the world. That's long-term unemployment. So how long is  L O N G ?  Well …

There are two labor markets nowadays. There's the market for people who have been out of work for less than six months, and the market for people who have been out of work longer. The former is working pretty normally, and the latter is horribly dysfunctional.

To see a detailed discussion of the current labor market and its associated job filling characteristics see the complete article here.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Interview Thank You

While unlikely to make an employer totally reverse an opinion about you, when done well, thank-you notes can help you stand out from a crowd of applicants. If you want hiring managers to remember you favorably, write a knockout thank-you note; it may make a difference. If you can't sound invested in the position and take the time necessary to write an interesting note, you may be wasting your time.

There's more to following up than getting the interviewer's name spelled correctly and shooting off a  ‘thanks for meeting me’  note. If your messages don't go beyond trite and inappropriate phrases and sentiments, you'll want to up your game to help your cause.

For points on what and what not to do, see the article here.