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Thursday, March 18, 2021

Important Company Culture Considerations

Pay is important. But pay only goes so far. Higher wages don’t cause employees to automatically perform at a higher level. Commitment, work ethic, and motivation are not based on pay. They are based on the culture offered by the employer.

When changing companies or in hiring on, pay attention to the softer characteristics of the business operations. Conversations with potential fellow employees or more subtitle inquiries during an interview might enlighten characteristics such as: Freedom, Targets, Mission, Expectations, Input, Connection, Consistency and Future.
See more details on these characteristics here.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Find and Utilize a Mentor Effectively

Regardless of where you are in your career everyone can use a mentor to help guide them. People with mentors get promoted faster, earn a higher salary, and are more satisfied with their careers. While most agree that having a mentor is beneficial, few people - especially early in their careers - know how to find a mentor and make sure it’s a productive and meaningful relationship.

Here are ways to help you figure out what you’re looking for, identify the right mentor for you, and set yourself up for a successful mentorship.

See 10 tips to find the right Mentor here.