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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Never Use these words to Describe Yourself in an Interview

Hiring managers all have their favorite interview questions, but they’re typically some variation of the common ones. 

For example, you might be asked  “How would your colleagues describe you?” or “Use three words to describe yourself.” Either way, your overall approach would likely be the same. The thing you need to be mindful of, then, is what words you actually use.

To put it in another way, there are words that you should never, ever use. See alternatives to convey the same positive qualities here.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Reasons You Almost Got Called for the Interview

There are three ways a hiring manager responds to job applications: “Amazing” , “Eh, maybe?”, “An obvious no”. You’re almost always stuck in the dark about which of the latter two buckets you may fall into.

Assume you’re an “Eh, maybe?” candidate. Perhaps even a strong maybe candidate. How can you push yourself over the edge and land the interview?

See five ways, inspired by all the people a Hiring Manager almost asked to come in and interview for a position here.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Appropriate Ways to Impress the Hiring Manager

Add just one step to your overall job search process: Find and endear yourself to the hiring manager at the company you are applying for.

In the  job search, the person who gets to the hiring manager first—and makes a great impression  - is usually the winner. 

How do you find these incredibly important people? And, once you do, how to you get to them in a way that will positively impact your candidacy?

Find three completely survivable tactics to strongly consider here

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Tips to Clean Up Your Social Media Profiles

It's a good idea to do some digital cleaning; set aside some time to clean up your social media profiles, especially Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. 

A future employer will look at your social media profiles and what they find could sway their decision. Even if you are not searching for a new job, having up-to-date profiles is a smart strategy.

Seventy percent of employers say they look at candidates' social media profiles, according to a 2017 survey from CareerBuilder. To ensure you're presenting and sharing the best information, see the full article here.