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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Transform Your Job Search

In the age of digital transformation, your job searching technique should be transforming as well. The days of sending out one or two resumes and landing an interview, much less a job, are behind you.

Follow a five-step process to transform your job search into a 21st-century model here.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Cover Letter Language VS Resume Language

Many employers want job seekers to attach a cover letter to their application. Writing an effective one is therefore essential. 

That means using your cover letter to tell the employer something that your resume does not. Repeating information in both documents signals that you don’t fully understand the value of either.

See 5 key elements of cover letters here.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Craft the Best-Looking Resume

Recruiters are really rushed. It’s really important to make sure your resume is presented in a way that makes the recruitment manager pause for those vital few seconds that might get them reading your resume, before moving onto the next one.

Consider:  1) Independent proofreaders, 2) A good title, 3) A single page (two sides maybe), 4) the font,  5) Paper quality if mailing, 6) Using hyperlinks, and 7) Bolding key points
See an expansion of these points here.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

To Do Before, During and After an Interview

What you do before an interview is about general preparation and staying out of your own way.

During an interview is being professional at a high level. Answer questions directly and stay in a professional mindset; don’t over-complicate things. 

After an interview follow up with a note when the time is right, and keep yourself sane. This is an opportunity to assess  the weaknesses you should have taken notes on during the interview.

Find 43 items to help you through the interviewing process here.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Strategy: Use Several Interviews to Gain Experience

Interviewing several times can help you become more confident. The more experienced you are at interviewing and responding to questions professionally, the better prepared you will be for the big interviews at the companies where you want to work. By taking notes and rehearsing or practicing what you will say, you’ll be more confident every time you interview.

See seven points to a successful interview here.