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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Assess your Career – Take a Short Test

Using questions about your preferences and attitudes, you can be associated with one of the 16 principal personality types. 

Conducting a personal career profile will give you insight into your individuality, outlining your strengths along with areas of relative weakness. It maps your behavioral style and core motivations to areas of work and patterns of work which best accommodate your individual make-up, giving you the  opportunity to reflect and make decisive choices on your working life and career.

The initial free analysis will give you an interesting picture of you as a person. Purchasing the  followup report is optional. Find the test here.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Part Time Employment from Home

The good news is a number of companies are looking for part-time workers -- and that number is expected to rise in the coming years. Nearly one in five workers is currently part-time, and by 2020 projected that will increase to 40%.

A firm that screens companies offering part-time opportunities has analyzed more than 40,000 companies offering part-time remote jobs in the first half of 2016 and come up with the top 35 to watch for such work.

Industries that topped the list include education, marketing and healthcare, travel and technology. Some of the more common part-time remote job titles are teacher, writer, speech pathologist, coder, interpreter, editor, and customer service representative.

See the 35 legitimate companies in the complete article here.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Negotiate a Higher Salary

Negotiating is a skill, and many people don't have much experience with it. However, negotiating can earn or save you more money in less time than just about any other method. 

Most job candidates do a poor job of negotiating for a higher salary, and some don't even realize that salary negotiation is an expected part of the interview process.

See 7 essential tips for negotiating a higher salary here

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Ten Work at Home Jobs

Searching for jobs home-based work, used to be a matter of scanning the Sunday classifieds for offers to get rich quick by stuffing envelopes. Working from home is easier now because exposure to at-home opportunities has multiplied.

A wide variety of job ads are just a click away, but so are the scams. It is difficult to find a legitimate opportunity. With 4,500 to 5,000 work-at-home job ads posted weekly, the statistics find 60 phonies for every one that's for real

Let’s initially begin with the type of job that represents a true opportunity here.