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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Your Performance WILL be Evaluated

Once on the job you have to do a lot more than just show up. It would be good to have the rules for evaluation known in advance. Pay attention to the supervisors expectations, especially to any written specifications in the employee 'Welcome' package. Ultimately there will be review of YOU.

In addition to anything written, keep a few points in mind in an ongoing self evaluation. In a survey of entrepreneurs the most important points to consider when evaluating a team member have been identified.

In addition to 'showing up' see 10 key evaluation points here.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Negotiating For What You Want

You have been through a successful job hunt and you received an offer. It is not perfect, and most job seekers feel uneasy with rocking the boat by negotiating. You may be afraid to bring up the salary, flexibility or benefits, but now is the time.

Finding the courage to negotiate for what you want is key to happiness on the job. Your next chance will be on your first review, probably 6 months out. Think positive and find honest justifications. Acknowledge the generosity of the original offer before making your request.

Find six negotiating points to consider here

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Self Promotion at Work

Promoting yourself at work is a necessary part of your career, you're not doing yourself any favors by keeping quiet. If the idea of self-promotion makes you cringe, you need to change your perception entirely.

You can keep your head down, work hard, and keep the faith that your accomplishments will get noticed. Or, you can be proactive in getting the credit you deserve. You don't need to be a braggard, a blowhard, to get recognition of your accomplishments. Your supervisor. especially, needs to be aware of your success.

See 7 points to consider for your self promotion here.