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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Prepare for a Job Fair

Job fairs represent an opportunity to connect with employers, hiring managers and recruiters. These events allow connecting with a variety of companies and present a wide range of companies for sharing your resume. Increase chances of getting hired through job fairs. While your 'face time' will be limited, it's important to take these events seriously and adequately prepare.

Stand out with 12 comprehensive points here.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Budget Your Unemployment Income

When unemployed, you will likely receive some level of financial assistance, those funds (whether lump sum or monthly) deserve careful consideration which may include a more formal budget than you are accustomed.

Unemployment typically evolves into financial lockdown mode, having to focus more on cutting expenses, rather than strategically working to find employment that best fits experience, education, needs, and goals.

See 7 critical points to consider here.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Manage Your Money When Unemployed

The unemployed experience higher rates of depression and anxiety. But there are ways to take control of your finances, manage your budget and ultimately land on your feet, even during long periods of unemployment.

Maintaining your financial health during unemployment is key to managing your physical and emotional wellness. Cutting expenses is a great place to start, as you learn to trim your budget and rethink your essential and nonessential expenses.

See 6 specific topics to gain financial control here.