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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Career Lessons Learned Too Late

In achieving success, you will have to make big sacrifices. Many people ardently heed this advice — and make sacrifices on a permanent basis and then learn too late that there’s more to life than just chasing success. Yes, you must make sacrifices but it should be for the short term. You should be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

There are three aspects to our lives - Personal, Spiritual and Professional. A fine balance needs to be maintained between the three elements to lead a satisfied and contented life. 

For important career lessons most people learn too late, see the complete article here.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Get a Job Without Applying

In today's economic environment, people with valuable skills in leadership roles are likely to be receiving more  calls from recruiters. Even if you are happy with your current job, it is important not to blow recruiters off and to have a resume at the ready.

You never know if the opportunity that will be presented will be more attractive than your current role. And, you can gain a boost of 15 percent or more in your compensation by being willing to make a change, likely far outpacing the raise you can expect in your current role.

For ideas on how to effectively position yourself, see the article here.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Makeover Plan Older Job Seekers

Appearances matter in a job search. Successful older job 
candidates need to pay close attention to the image 
they project. The following are particularly important:
  • Physical Appearance
  • Communications Branding
  • Social Media Image
For details on these elements in your job 
search documents and interviewing see the 
full article here.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Workers Sell Wisdom, Employers Buy Results

A benefit that comes with age and experience is wisdom. Older job seekers know they have the benefit of life and specific industry and functional wisdom to offer employers. The challenge is that employers rarely hire for wisdom and maturity even if those attributes are what they need most.

Organizations generally hire for specific results. They need people who can make stuff, sell stuff or count stuff. The impact on the job seeker is that they will experience the best results by defining their value in the context of one of those three key areas.

By associating one's primary value with actual revenue, product creation, service delivery or measurable administrative efficiency, an older job seeker associates himself with solutions that flow directly to the employer's bottom line.

For further discussion of demonstrating value see the article here.