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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Reduce Job Search Anxiety

While job searching can cause a great deal of anxiety, managing your stress can make the process easier. By turning it into a positive experience, you can be in a better mood and make you excited about the prospect of new employment.

Focus on what you can control. Don't focus on just one opportunity, pursue several at the same time. Focus on any tasks that need to be done by a certain time. Write a customizable resume and associated cover letter containing 'your story', then work in the opportunities' requirements.

Find 18 tips to help reduce your anxiety here.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Traits of People Who Advance Their Careers

In these competitive times, advancing in your career is far from automatic. To move ahead in the workplace, consider learning from those who seize the day and seem to advance easily.

To advance in your career, embrace challenges instead of shrinking away. Not only will your skill set come out stronger as a result, your manager and other company higher-ups will see you taking the initiative. Remember, rewards come to those who stand out--not those who blend into the background.

See 10 traits of people who advance in their careers here.