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Job Sources




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Thursday, May 26, 2022

Sources of Potential Employers

You cannot afford to overlook any source. Gather information and develop contacts within both small and large companies. Note that 50% of new job opportunities come from companies with fewer than 100 employees. Starting out, internships, part-time jobs, and volunteer positions - often lead to future job placements

A position, whether paid or voluntary, can allow for “hands-on” experience in your field. The people around you can be a great source of information and advice. The best way to locate a hidden job is through networking - the referral of a friend or business acquaintance

Find a significant list of less common sources here.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Be Aware of Company Culture

While your experience and qualifications are being assessed by a hiring manager, likewise you need to take the time to make your own assessments of the company. This could occur as part of your search effort or in an offer to interview.

Make the most of any opportunity to ‘get to know’ the company culture, its 'personality'. The character of the environment (formal / relaxed) (competitive / contentious) (strict / permissive) needs to fit with your expectations and your personality.

See additional hints here.