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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Staying May Not Be Good

Consider the stress level at work, and not having the proper balance in life. Once someone is burned out, there is no turning back. A vacation or even a sabbatical may not fix the problem. You may have to quit.

Burnout sneaks up, it is not easy to measure. There are other more specific situations. Not getting paid the market rate is fairly easy. Lack of supervisor support, a changing role and lack of upward mobility are others.

See a more complete discussion here.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Unemployment Money Management

Losing your job is always stressful. The American Journal of Public Health says people who are unemployed have higher rates of depression and anxiety. But there are ways you can take control of your finances, manage your budget and ultimately land on your feet, even during long periods of unemployment.

Maintaining your financial health during a period of unemployment is key to managing your physical and emotional wellness. 

See steps to take stock of your situation and manage your money here.