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Monday, April 26, 2021

What to do When You Loose Your Job

It’s emotional and traumatic to be laid off, and even worse to be fired. You’re out of work, you’re out of a paycheck, and you will lose the bond you have with your co-workers. Give yourself some time to mourn a bit, especially if you loved your job. It’s a loss, give yourself some time and space to grieve.

Then you need to get practical and get over it. The quicker you get a job search up and running, the faster you’ll be thinking about your new job.

See a comprehensive list of activities to get you going here.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Jobs for a Midlife Career Change

Changing jobs is expected but, people are changing careers in their 30s or 40s. Changing a career is a significant change. It takes careful research, consideration, and strategy.

While there may be external factors that necessitate a change, the more important factors need to be personal. The personal issues can not be knee jerk reactions, they must be calculated.

See five questions to ask yourself here.