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Monday, May 18, 2020

Preparing for a Layoff

Being prepared for a layoff is good advice even when the economy is robust. Keeping you resume up to date and watching for shifts in your industry should be on-going activities. Whether you know layoffs are coming or you just suspect it, there are some steps you can take to prepare for a layoff before it happens.

Preparing now will allow you to have a solid plan in place. Just know that getting laid off and getting fired are two different things. The former isn’t because of bad performance, that’s important to remember.

See 14 things to consider here.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Virus Have You Idle? Consider Senior Services

If you have been laid off from the virus, consider a volunteer or temp position in Senior care. Use your skillset to make a compassionate impact in the lives of seniors. Temporary opportunities are available in communities throughout the local area and be of benefit to our senior population.

Do a internet search on 'Senior Care' or see a link here.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Identify Your Career Accomplishments

In a competitive job market, you need an edge to make your application materials stand out. You can do that listing your career accomplishments from each key position in a resume and cover letter.
Career accomplishments offer concrete examples, often based on data points, showing how you contributed to your company in your particular role.
Find three tips on identifying your career accomplishments here.