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Monday, February 24, 2020

Tips for Finding a New Job

Finding a new job can be a challenging and frustrating experience. You can make the job search a bit easier on yourself if you use proactive strategies for finding a new job.  

There are steps, specific considerations and strategies applicable to all jobseekers, from those just starting out to experienced candidates who need a quick refresher.

Find 14 tips for finding a new job here.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Job Scam Entry-Level Marketing,

Entry-level marketing jobs involve a unique blend of sales, customer service, consumer psychology, graphic design, and data analytics.  While some marketing positions are this and more, the marketing employment industry is fraught with deception.

Not all entry-level marketing jobs are scams. However, it is more difficult for job seekers to distinguish between legitimate marketing job postings and deceptive ones.

See key points involving the marketing industry here.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Consider a Resume Follow-Up Letter

After submitting your qualifications, what's next? Carefully consider a follow up, unless you have been told 'We'll call you'. You don't want to be a pest, nor do you want to be considered uninterested.

Remember that your work is not done once you make application. You can't sit back and wait for the job offer, so consider some strategies for following-up.

See comprehensive "Do's and Don'ts" here

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Consider Telecommute Jobs

Work at home jobs have had a bad rap. They used to be stuffing envelopes but now some may be legitimate. With the internet you may find opportunities to do your work on-line from 'home'.

More than 200 companies hire employees and independent contractors to telecommute. These on-line jobs, which encompass a wide range of required skills and salaries, are for everyone from artists to data entry operators to sales reps.

Distinguish legitimate jobs from scams with a directory here.