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Sunday, December 29, 2019

Use to Job Search

In addition to your networking 'inside' contacts, there are on-line job search engines that can identify job openings. 

Using a job search engine aggregates job listings from many different sources including the top job-search websites, it saves you time and effort because you generally only need to perform your search in one place.

Take a look at the features of a typical search engine here.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Five Tricky Interview Questions

Interviewers often ask some questions to catch you off-guard so they can assess how you react to unexpected situations. There are even some questions that are intended to get you to reveal things you may have otherwise concealed. 

Digest the question and stay composed. Give yourself time to think, especially if the question is not directly to the point regarding the position you applied for.

Get the flavor of this questioning style here.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Know the Types of Employment Agencies

In addition to crafting a competitive resume, you may decide to enlist an employment agency to help find your next position. There are a variety of types of employment agencies that help job seekers get hired. 

The one most appropriate will depend upon your work history, your career field, your willingness to relocate, your full-time/part-time flexibility and your skill-set.

For a discussion of Employment Agency services, click here.