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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Build Your Career Network

The most effective method for finding a new job is through networking. Networking calls on a network of contacts and enlists their help in uncovering job leads.

The problem for many job-seekers is in the execution of networking. Job-seekers wonder, where do all these networking contacts come from — and how can I get people to be part of my network? The key point to remember is that networking is relationship-building. Your network consists of people you’ve met (either in person or online) — and you build your network by going out and meeting more people.

The question then becomes, how do I meet people to add to my network?  See 10 proven techniques for building your career network here.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Resume Action Words

Action Verbs and "power words" can provide your resume power and direction. When employed strategically throughout your resume, action verbs can help you resume stand out from the competition. 

Make sure to backup any assertion or claims you make in your resume with detailed experience that demonstrates your skill and ability. 

See a comprehensive list of action verbs to consider using in your resume and cover letters here.