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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Skills Job Seekers Need

When it comes to a job seeker’s skills/qualities, employers are looking for team players who can make decisions while solving  problems Employers who interview and hire new college graduates were asked to rank a job candidate’s desired skills and qualities. The highest ranked qualities previously listed are the first of 10 highly rated.

For the compete list see the article here.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Importance of Attending a Job Fair

Job fair events are popular in the eyes of both employers and potential employees. To aid the recruitment, application, and networking process, job fairs and training expos are usually held in significant urban job markets.  Typically they occur one or more a month. This is an ingenious way to meet the needs of both employers and potential employees to the benefit of both..

To find out exactly what a job fair is and how it benefits students and job seekers see the full article here.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Careers: Graduation vs Job Availability

The odds are that you will change careers several times during your working years. It then makes sense in career planning to gain skills that are transferable and select education targets that meet future opportunities. Do the research necessary to keep you career flexible and responsive to the job market.

For a discussion of the current career – opportunity picture, see the article here.