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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Top Career Opportunities by Degrees

Whether in school or in any stage of employment, looking forward in time is a good idea. A time horizon of several years is useful for making mid course adjustments in your career, or course of study. Being aware of the likely-hood of a demand for your skills and talents is a realistic objective.

The article here presents projections of employment demand in various fields and for varying levels of  educational programs.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Careers: What is Your Plan B? Plan C?

Whether you are a youth preparing to attend college or a working adult, the odds are your career path will change a few times both during your education and working years. It is a good idea to plan to gain skills that are transferable and select education targets that match future opportunities. Be aware of the trends and keep you career flexible and responsive to the job market which will certainly change during your college / employment years.

Here's a look at the current changing career – opportunity picture in Colorado which is the first-part of a four-part career planning series.  See the article here.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Research with an Informational Interview

An informational interview is a meeting to learn about the real-life experience of someone working in a field or company that interests you.

It's not a job interview, so it's important to keep focused on getting information, not a job offer. It has future value in its planning and conversational interaction. Three steps will outline the process:

Find contacts.
Make connections
Hold a meeting. 

For details on utilizing an informational interview, see the article here.