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Thursday, July 19, 2012

How to Market Your Skills ...

By Curt Rosengren US News and World Report Posted: July 19, 2011

You’ve seen skills checklists that ask you to tick off every skill that sounds like you. When it comes to telling your story to a prospective employer, it’s still one-dimensional. There’s nothing to back it up.If you want to talk about your skills in a compelling way, you have to go deeper than that. Remember potential employers aren’t interested in your skills; they’re interested in how those skills can meet their needs. The following will help make your story more compelling by letting you demonstrate that.

Reverse engineer to find your skills  In a nutshell, you’re going to identify your skills through reverse engineering. You will look at three things:
  1. Your big picture responsibilities
  2. The tasks you had to perform to fulfill those responsibilities
  3. The skills you needed to successfully perform those tasks
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