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Sunday, February 16, 2025

 Golden Employment Blog Errata Updates #1:  February 17, 2025

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Attributes to Get You Hired

Some unique skills are attractive to hiring managers. They are aware that with five behavioral skills as a foundation, individuals can acquire new skills and talents and continue to utilize them in their specific assignments.

To understand yourself from a skills perspective, is consider the things you’re good at, and the things that give you energy. These components will allow you to develop that skill into a marketable strength. Five skills have been identified that hiring managers are the most impressed by in today’s competitive work environment. Recognize them and enhance them in yourself. 

Find a discussion of those skills here.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Maintain Positiive Search Energy

If you’re not seeing progress during a lengthy job search, perhaps you’re doing everything right: following up routinely, tailoring your resume, and taking your job search tasks seriously. An average job search can last several months. You need to be organized and manage your 'energy'.

The energy that you bring to your job search will convey in your communications and interactions with recruiters. Burnout is a valid concern, but you can shake off those feelings and find your groove again with adjustments in your approach.

See 5 points to consider here.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Support Your Partner Through the Job Search

Supporting a husband during unemployment can be stressful. How can you alleviate your fears, find answers to questions, and offer the support your partner needs? As soon as possible, you and your partner should sit down together and make a plan.

Unemployment places a strain on both the job seeker and their spouse. Maintain an attitude that treats unemployment as a temporary, manageable situation. The more the two of you stay patient and focused, though challenges may arise, the quicker a new job will be found.

Find some tips to jointly support the job search here.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Single Mom Unemployment Survival

How can a single mom rebuild a career while unemployed ? One way is by contacting your local employment center for a list of community support resources. You may also want to connect with other single moms to find out what resources they are aware of. Network. Consider the following:

  • Start working on a facility with flexible hours and day care services
  • Make your own income source by getting a work from home job
  • Take a course in a field that helps you get a job that suits your abilities
  • Be self-employed and start your own workplace
Find a discussion of these and other ideas here.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Manage Sudden Unemployment

If close to, or high probability of being unemployed, you should focus your efforts on what is within your power to minimize the financial damage and prepare for a new position and opportunities. Here are the things you should be considering first:

* Fill the income gap
* Revise your budget and spending
* Start your tax planning
* Look for a new job
* Look after your mental health

Find more details on these topics here.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Reduce Job Search Anxiety

While job searching can cause a great deal of anxiety, managing your stress can make the process easier. By turning it into a positive experience, you can be in a better mood and make you excited about the prospect of new employment.

Focus on what you can control. Don't focus on just one opportunity, pursue several at the same time. Focus on any tasks that need to be done by a certain time. Write a customizable resume and associated cover letter containing 'your story', then work in the opportunities' requirements.

Find 18 tips to help reduce your anxiety here.