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Colorado Front Range & Denver-Metro Career Employment Resources

Visit the Denver Colorado Employment Resource Center at

Whether just starting out in your career or well established in your career, LDS Employment Resource Services (ERS) can help you accomplish your career goals. The employment center offers one-on-one coaching, workshops and a large database of employment, education and self-employment opportunities. By visiting the center you learn the most effective job search practices, build your network and find resources to help you further your education or manage a successful small-business.

Comprehensive listing of resources for Denver-area career and employment related at:
  1. Blogs
  2. Employment Resources
  3. Career Advisement
  4. Aptitude free Denver career counseling
  5. Denver-area networking activities
  6. Affliated church activities
  7. Denver Meto Area Job Seeking Links
  8. Selected Denver Metro Area Employers
  9. Union & Non-Union Apprenticeships and Skilled-Trade Career Resources
  10. Social-Networking Skills